
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year

Happy New Year from all of us at the 4R's 

Friday, December 30, 2016

Fences Around the World

I just saw where Good Fences has changed to Fences Around the World.  I think this post will fit the bill.

Good help can be hard to find but lucky for us we had some right at home.
 We took advantage of E being on break to get her to help round up and sort the calves for weaning.
 Everything works out better with and extra person in the right spot.
 There is always that one cow that never wants to keep up.
 Then J towed them with the tractor and promise of hay,
 all the way into the barn lot.
 Cows on one side, calve on the other. (it wasn't that easy, me and E were the ones running up and down the hill to sort the cows out while J worked the gate)
 And we didn't have the best weather or lot conditions as you can see.
 This time we tied bags to the temporary electric fence.  Sometime the calves start running and don't seem to care that there is a fence there.  J thought the bags might get their attention a little better.
 It worked great and the calve moved to the field behind the house,
 while the cows went back to the field they came from.
Now we are fence line weaning, calves on the left cows on the right.

For more Fences Around the World click HERE.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

“For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.”

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Tree Preview

Merry Christmas Eve!  Here is a brief tour of some of my Christmas decorations this year. 
 Instead of and angle tree I have a Barbie tree.
 I'm sticking with my mid century modern theme in the den.
 Even Santa and his reindeer are mid century.
 The tulle came from sister C several years ago.  I just finally figured out what to do with it.
 I actually set up the light wheel for my aluminum tree for the first time.  The effect is stunning in person.  I think everyone needs an aluminum tree.
 This was a $1 find at Goodwill this year.
 And the jewelry tree is in its usual spot.  Looks like there is another stocking.  Mike is spending Christmas with us.
And here is the preview of the tree.  It's 10 feet tall.  I needed the 8 foot ladder to decorate it.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Cow Fun

When we were sorting the cattle the other day to wean the calves I had some fun taking pictures of the cows.  
 I had one that was a big ham.

I guess it doesn't take much to entertain me.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Magical Frost

We awoke to a fog that had turned to frost this morning.  J said it was the biggest frost he could remember seeing. 
 E thought at first that it had snowed.
 Everything was so pretty but very hard to capture in a photograph.
 Since there was no wind, the ice crystals were growing off of everything.

 Including the horses ears,
 and tails.
 The calves we weaned yesterday and had in the barn lot had frost on their backs.
 They were very curious and seemed to want their pictures taken.
 That is until J opened the gate.
 Then they headed out to see where they were and if they could find their moms again.
 Since we hauled them here from the other farm, there is no chance of that, but it still didn't stop them from trying.
 They are in the field with the yet to be named little horse.  J said at times she was completely surrounded but just stood there or pinned her ears and bit at them.  She was unconcerned as they licked her.    As the calves were running and bawling, J said she would just calmly walk around with them.  We may have another good cow horse here.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Blown Egg Ornaments

Since the first time my Father blew out an egg for me and I took it to kindergarten and painted it, I have been fascinated with blown eggs.  
 Now my sister does amazing artwork on eggs and luckily, she shares them with me at Christmas.
 I asked for a horse one time and she created this.
 She has now been doing faces on eggs, stunning.
 But I live in a simpler creative world.  I finally found something I could do with the eggs.
 It technically should be paint dotting but I improvised and used metallic markers.
 I had a little trouble with the hangers.  When I tried to copy my sister's technique it just broke the egg.  So I found this idea of threading a needle, then using a magnet to get it to come through the opposite hole, going through a button then back out the top.  After a little trial and error I finally got the "hang" of it.  Then a coat of mod podge and
voila!  These were my gifts to J's aunts and cousins this year.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

New "I Spy" Game

Today I helped J move our cattle from the rented farm back over to our farm.
 There is a fine line between hiding and helping that I have to walk.  Right now I am hiding while J tries to get the cattle into the temporary lot so we can drive them out to the road as one herd.
 I'm still hiding as he tows them in with the bale of hay.
 There is always one that hangs back in every herd it seems.  J had to run around, climb the fence behind her and drive her on down.
 I finally got to get out and help get them into the lot then block the road as they came out.
 And I got the drive them down the road to our field.
Now for the new game.  While I was hiding in the truck I started thinking about the random assortment of objects on the dashboard.
I spy a star, a spoon, an arrow, 2 syringes, 2 bent staples, 50 cents, 7 nails....
What's on your dashboard?