
Saturday, March 11, 2017

In Bloom (For Now) At the 4R's

Things are blooming 2 to 4 weeks early around here.  We have had some very mild weather and the plants are very confused.  
 I think the forsythia has bloomed this early before.
 But I know we won't have any peaches with this tree blooming now.
 The hyacinths are up,
 and the Hawthorne tree is blooming.
 And the daffodils are still going strong.  But with the forecast for freezing temperature for the next week, even down into the teens, they won't last long.
But here is a sure sign Spring is here.


  1. Beautiful, but a shame about the peaches.
    No sign of any robins here........ big surprise, I know. ;-)

  2. Love these, but it is a shame about the peaches....I so love fresh peaches.

  3. Oh blooms, so cheerful! I can't wait, we got snow and snow and snow still
