
Monday, March 27, 2017

Twin Update and More Trouble

Update on the twin we couldn't find Saturday morning.  
Saturday afternoon I rode Otoelene out to look for it and we did what the 4-wheeler couldn't.
 I think my problem that morning was that there were some people camping in our bottom and I was looking over there at all the cars they had parked out there and didn't see the calf in the other direction.
 V and Mike were coming for a visit so we put Mike right to work.
 But once we got the calf back with the cow she rejected it.  Instead of going through the trouble of getting her and the other calf to the barn to try to make her take both, we opted to just put this one on the bottle.
 So now he is hanging out in the barn getting bottle fed twice a day.
 At least we have a twin at the beginning of calving season.  That way we will have a spare if one loses a calf.
 Which brings us to our next problem.  Sunday, when we came in from church, there was a cow that looked like she was trying to steal a calf.  Since she was right at the gate J when ahead and moved her out to a different field.  Three hours later, when he was done feeding, she still had not made any progress toward calving.  We got her up and when J checked the calf was upside down.  See the foot pointing up?  That means either upside down or back leg.  Since J could feel the knee and head we knew upside down.
 J got the chains on and we criss crossed them which flipped to body but not the head.  So I had to go in and straighten that out.  It wasn't a hard pull from there just messy.
 J said, "let me take your picture and you can label it 'Why would anyone want to be a large animal vet?'"  It's a good thing we don't have neighbors because at times like this you just have to strip down outside.
The calf was fine and I turned her back out today.  So 7-T2 is still waiting.


  1. Sounds like all is well, messy, but well :)

  2. Nice save of the calves, both the twin and the upside down one
