
Friday, October 27, 2017

Great Goat Day

Today was the day for the Great Goat Roundup. 
 We started at the crack of dawn.
 J as usual had done all the prep work yesterday and had all of the goats in the field behind the barn.
 This is what a 130 head goat herd drive looks like.
 Everyone was very cooperative.  Our new permanent fence lane makes things so much easier.
 They all went right into the barn lot,
 and on into the barn.
 We sorted out some nannies in the big part of the barn, then kept moving them to progressively smaller rooms.  This made catching and sorting easier.  When they are crowded, they can't run away from you.
 They also loaded on the trailer with no drama.  I think we might be getting this goat thing down pat.
 While J was hauling them to the market to get weighed, I took the opportunity while we still had the ones we were keeping up, to do a little herd maintenance.  I think this nanny missed out on getting her feet trimmed last spring.  This was before,
 And this was after.  I caught her, put a halter on and tied her up.  Then I just lifted her feet like a horse and trimmed them.  Those foot trimmers are from when my sister had sheep back in the late 70's.
After J got back from hauling the goats, we went to the farm where we got the puppies and picked out 2 billy goats.  The farm couple are in their 80's and still raise Great Pyrenees dogs, and Kiko goats.  The white one is a pure bred kiko, and the brown/black one is 1/2 kiko, 1/2 spanish meat goat.  We decided on two this year because we are upping our herd from 50 last year to 64 this year.  We culled 6 nannies, kept 20 female weanlings that should be suitable to breed, plus Tiny.  We ended up selling 59 kids that averaged 57 pounds.  Now we can start working for next year.


  1. Some great photos. The billy goats. But I really liked the one you wrote this under "They also loaded on the trailer with no drama. " I don't know how you got almost all of them to look at you.

  2. What handsome Billys! Do you guys ever drink goat milk or eat goat meat yourselves?

  3. I like the coloring of the Spanish billy
