
Sunday, November 12, 2017

Just Kit Sunday #125


  1. Love the expression and the sideways paw. :0)

  2. He's a sly one. Love Kit Kat!

  3. Handsome little devil.
    Somehow, suddenly, our 2 barncats seems to double in size once winter hits - it's really shocking. I've made Mr Shoes swear that he is not refilling their dish every time he sees it empty so that I know there are getting a limited amount of food. Which seems right, since the most exercise they get in winter is to keep watch for the odd vermin in between deep sleeps & the frantic run to the tackroom in hopes of treats (and it is truly WINTER here, believe me, there are no happy rides across still green meadows until next year as there is a good 6" of white cover).

  4. Beautiful cat! Love how in the last picture it could almost look as if he were wanting to shake hands. :)

