
Friday, March 16, 2018

Good Bea Update

Bea lingered in the dog pen in the barn for a week.  She would eat and drink but that was it.  No extra movement, no recognition or response to us.  Then on Sunday she made a happy whining sound when I visited her.  That was the first positive sign in a week.   
 Then on Monday when I went down to feed her she was much more active and happy.  And the goats and other dogs were passing by the barn. 
 Did I mention that it snowed on Monday.  I was actually trying to update the blog when my internet went out.  They said it was my modem so I had to wait on a new one.  Apparently, it is my router and not the modem.  Oh well, at least I have my desktop, using the Ipad will have to wait longer.  Anyway, I thought this looked like Jett and Jewel were trying to catch snowflakes on their tongues.
 It was a very pretty snow, sticking to the trees.

 Then I turned Bea out.  The puppies and Bumble were very happy to see her. 
 There was a lot of getting reacquainted.
 And Bea even took off running. 
 That is Bumble, Jett, Bea, Jewel (from left to right)
It is so nice for her to be back with the pack.  Three more weeks of antibiotics and hopefully we will be done. 


  1. What a happy turn of events! She looks happy to be reunited with her pals.
    And lovely snow pictures, too!

  2. Such good news!! I love the pictures of the other dogs welcoming Bea back.
