
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Getting Ready For Some Kids

The goats are suppose to start kidding any day now.  And the weather forecast was for snow and freezing rain, so we thought we better get them closer to the barn, just in case.  We keep moving the kidding date later and later to avoid the bad weather but it never seems to work out. 
 But when the goats are out doing their job, 
 which is eating weeds,
 it is tempting to let them stay out for as long as possible. 
 But it is just so much easier if there is trouble to have them at the barn.  So J and I rounded them up last night. 
 They were semi cooperative. 
 The only problem being the pet bottle goats, it is impossible to herd them.  They just have to follow.
 There was a little back up at one gate, but we soon got them going the right way again. 
 We headed through the heifer field,
and made it to the barn with all 64 nannies and 2 billies.  Let the kidding begin. 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the kidding (I want to say no kidding).

    I look forward to seeing pictures of the adorable little baby goats.
