
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Out On The Back 40 Again

J wanted to get another group of cows and calve up to work today.  Half were right at the gate and no problem to get, but the other half were at the other end of the field.  This is not a flat square field either.  
 J started out with the 4-wheeler but soon had to leave it behind.
 I, on the other hand, was on Otoelene.  And other than hesitating to go across swampy ground, she will go anywhere.
 J makes a pretty good cutter though.
 After going from one end to the other, we finally got them all together, and sort of going the right way.
But instead of going around and getting on the road, they went to the back side of the hill.  Still, there was a gate there so it worked out, just a little more riding for me, so I am not complaining.  J had to walk back half a mile to retrieve the 4-wheeler.  I got in a good hour of riding and J got in some good walking.


  1. The views were beautiful. J definitely got in some real farmercizing.

  2. You TOTALLY got the better end of that deal!
