
Friday, June 22, 2018

New Home For Brother

Brother has left the farm for life in the big city. 
 The woman that wanted a hunter/jumper/dressage horse bought him.  He hung out here for another month while she made arrangements to board him at a stable that also had pasture board.  Her daughter road him when they came to look and asked her mother what else did she want to see him do.  Her mother said, how about an extended trot.  Her daughter and I looked at each other and said, that was his extended trot.   She later told me that she will do whatever he is capable of, and if that doesn't include jumping, so be it.  She just wants a safe sound horse to enjoy. 
 While he was waiting to be picked up, I updated all of his shots and Dr. B came and floated his teeth.  This is the new lead rope and halter that the new owner sent for him.  A little big but it will do.  She scheduled a transport company to come get him.  After seeing the youtube video on it we told them there was no way that was coming up our driveway.  We would have to meet them somewhere else. 
 So we hauled Brother to the local school parking lot.  That's our puny blue trailer.
 Then Gino, the truck driver, took over. 
 Brother wasn't too sure about that ramp.
 But we asked so he went. 
 The new owner paid extra to have him hauled loose in an open stall. 
He looked a little rung out by the time he got there 14 hours later.  But I was told that when they took him to his stall he settled right in and started eating.  The stable where he is staying shows and sells hunter/jumpers and they advertise their prices as in the "mid to high five figures."  I'm sure Brother will fit right in.  He is also getting a name change to Joe (from Just an OtoE)  I said that could be like Uncle Joe on Petty Coat Junction, "here comes Uncle Joe, He's a moving mighty slow."                                                  Godspeed to you Brother on your new journey. 


  1. Best wishes to Brother ('er Joe) with his new home/owner. Sounds like a big change. He must be a willing guy if he just went up that scary ramp & hopped onboard. Interesting that his new owner didn't eventually try him out herself. Hope everything works out and it's a good fit for both of them.

  2. Like the previous commenter - I hope everything works out and it is a good fit for both.

    I hope it was not too sad for you to see Brother go.

    What a crazy big trailer for one horse.

  3. It sounds like he will be well cared for in his new home. Such a good minded boy going up that ramp.
