
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

This Week In The Garden

We have had some unbelievably wonderful growing weather.  A little dry spell, but then plenty of rain for the last 10 days. 
 The beans are blooming and running.
 Still no broccoli heads but plenty of worms.  I have had to start dusting.
 I already gave V 3 banana peppers.

 The tomatoes may outgrow their stakes.
 And we need to get our Tommy toe restraining fence up soon.
 It won't be long now until we get some blackberries.  But the Japaneses beetles have arrived. Hope they don't beat us to them.
And the cucumbers are going crazy.  I have to go out every day and make sure they are going in the right direction.  They just want to run everywhere.   Happy Gardening!


  1. Wonderful garden. Grandma, Grandpa and Daddy would all be proud!

  2. You have a beautiful garden! (and no weeds, even with all the rain! ) Worms are the main reason I won't grow broccoli. Too many surprises when I put it in the kettle. :)
