
Sunday, July 15, 2018

Just Kit Sunday #138

Kit Kat hasn't been going to the old barn much lately.  Then new dogs hate him and act like they would tear him to pieces if he got near them.  The goats have been staying up this way too.  So smart cat that he is, Kit just doesn't go that way.  But the other day, he did follow J to the barn, and promptly got trapped there by Jewel.  
 There is lots for him to do in the barn, so I am sure he wasn't bored. 
 Lots of places to explore. 
 And some new friends to make. 
Well, anyway, I let him hang out down there a couple of days before I rescued him.


  1. "And some new friends to make" - too funny.

  2. He didn't look like he cared for those friendly goats!
    I waws going to comment on your newer post about the calf, but since you got a spammer comment I didn't want them following my link to my page. Anyway, good thing your husband was out checking! I always worry about those close growing V trees with my horses- if there is a way to get into a wreck they will find it!
