
Saturday, September 1, 2018

Amazing Brother Update

Brother's new owner has been kind enough to update me on how he is doing.  Apparently, his first month was spent getting use to barn life
 and coming in and going out to pasture.  
 The second month has been getting him back to working.  And they have even started JUMPING!
I really didn't know he had it in him.  He looks wonderful.  I am so happy things are working out.  The new owner still has not been able to ride him yet as she is still recovering from a broken arm.  This is the barn manager riding and he also has a trainer.  Looks like he got a great home. 


  1. It is good to see Brother is in a good situation. Cool to see him jumping.

  2. It's so nice when new owners update previous ones. Brother looks content in his new home & discipline!

  3. Brother seems very happy, and they with him, which is always gladdening to the old owner.
    Somehow, I always though Brother was J's goto horse - but maybe he doesn't have a particular favourite. So are you down to 5 horses now then?
