
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Dr. Pimple Popper, Veterinarian Edition

I know several of you have watched the show, Dr. Pimple Popper.  For those of you that haven't, the name is pretty self explanatory.   Well, J brought me a patient for a veterinary version of the show. 
 This is a 600 pound bull calf that developed a swelling on his right hip that was getting bigger and bigger.  Once the cattle got rotated to a field closer to the barn, J sorted him and his mother out to the barn lot.  It is so nice that he does all the prep work and I just have to show up with the equipment.  First, I clipped the hair.  It is best to have that all out of the way.
 That's a nice size pimple, or abscess as we like to refer to them in the medical world.
 A little prep of the skin with some betadine and then lanced.  I like to make an X for the opening.  It is less likely to seal up too quickly then.
 That is all the pus that came out.  Makes me think of a song we sang when we were little,
"Cans and cans of greasy grimy gopher guts,
mutilated monkey meat,
little dirty birdy feet,
tons and tons of all purpose porpoise pus,
that's what the school feeds us."
(I don't know why our parents didn't put a stop to us singing that in the car.)
Then we are left with a deflated balloon.  I flushed it well with dilute betadine and sprayed the area with fly spray.  Who's ready for the video?


  1. In a weird ?? sort of way, I find this fascinating to do! (only a vet or a farmer's wife might say that!) We had a cow that developed an abscess a few weeks after an LDA surgery, on her incision. She wasn't too happy with me for messing with her, but it was clear that she felt much more comfortable afterwards!

  2. Yowser!!! I'm sure the bull calf felt better (as Alica above noted) but Yowser!

  3. Oh and I loved the reference to "tons and tons of all purpose porpoise pus" - a trip down memory lane.

  4. Yes! Definitely like an episode of Dr. Pimple Popper, amazing that you were able to capture this on video. Nicely done! Thanks for the share, have a fantastic rest of your day. Keep up the posts
    World of Animals
