
Friday, October 26, 2018

Horse Picture For Attention, and Update to Previous Comments

I noticed that I haven't posted anything about the horses lately.  So here is a picture of Draper.  She really isn't that fat, I think it is just the angle where I was so far down hill from her.  
 I have cut back on riding her so much.  She was doing really well, she is not even 2 1/2 yet, I didn't have any event I was working toward and I didn't want to sour her out before she was 3.  So instead of 3-4 times a week, I am doing more like once every 7-10 days.  She is super sweet and I really want to get back on some trails with her.  Meanwhile, I am trying to ride her obese sister Otoelene to try to keep her from becoming more obese.  She is too easy of a keeper.

Then on a different  subject completely.
I got a bill from my insurance company saying they overpaid me and wanted their money back.   Notice the number of slots for "amount enclosed".
How much money do they think I have? And am I really going to send that much through the mail?

Third random subject:  I can't reply to comments except through another post.
To Mrs. Shoes, your coupon comment cracked me up.  Loved it.
To Kayla Lintz, no I didn't consign Banjo, hope you find who did.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like Blue Cross Blue Shield is being way too careful to cover all contingencies. Maybe the Mega Million winner from SC could write that check. That really is so ridiculous.

    I had no idea that Otoelene was obese.
