
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Second Season?

With the weather turning colder and a chance of frost coming up soon, I took a look in the garden for anything useful.  
 I found this gourd vine that had volunteered over the fence where I throw scraps. 
 It was running and blooming full force. 
 I might get one little gourd off of it. 
 Apparently, I didn't harvest my beans in a timely manner.  I have several plant that have come up near the original rows.  They too are in full bloom. 
Then I found this cucumber coming up under some tommy toe plants.  Can you believe, blooming with a little cucumber on it.  I am not holding out much hope for a second season though. 


  1. It was interesting to see what is still going on in your garden. Blame it on this hot fall. I look forward to when fall's crisper cooler days show up.

  2. Your garden sure looks to be still thriving! We had our first frost here last night.
