
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Wine Bottle Yard Art

I found another Pinterest project that I liked. 
I thought that this looked pretty easy.  What I didn't pay attention to was that it was beer bottles not wine bottles.  
 I found out that wine bottles are much heavier and more difficult to work with. No way was I going to be able to use 12 bottles.  I went with eight.  I thought of several ways to try to attach them to the supports.
 I settled on drilling holes in the bottoms,
 then spacing nails for the bottles to rest on. 
 This was my black paint fail.   The blue isn't too bad though.  Maybe if I get some black paint for another project, I can slap a coat on this. 
 I think it adds some nice vertical interest to the flower bed.  I am calling this another Pinterest success.


  1. Looking good! Best part was emptying the bottles?😏

  2. Pinterest sure is full of neat ideas. Great job!

  3. Looks great! I have wine bottle art in my garden. Except I didn't make the holder, I just emptied the bottles :) I have a metal peacock, the bottles are tail feathers. Would be easy to DIY with a welder. I love the sound of rain on the bottles, and seeing the sunshine through colored glass(es).

  4. I think your yard art really looks great. The crazy "black" paint that was more blue gray sets the bottles off nicely. And your yard is so green and lush and beautiful. Bravo!!
