
Monday, November 5, 2018

There's A New Boy In Town

J has been sticking his toe in the Brangus/Ultrablack water for a while now.  Remember UB1 and UB2?  He actually kept one of those as a bull to have as a sort of back up, because something is always going wrong with the other 7 bulls right when you need them.  But J has also been studying up on the breed and looking on line at several sales.  Well, this weekend he bought one at a sale in Arkansas.   There was another producer there that brought the bull back as far as North Carolina.  
 So J and I went this morning to pick him up.  He is a February calf that J wants to use to breed our heifers next year.  He thought he could buy a young bull and develop it cheaper that buying a mature bull.
 So we loaded him up and brought him home. 
 He is turned out with our heifer J is feeding for a beef.  Looks like he knows how to eat.  Hopefully, he should be calving ease but will be able to add some pounds to the calves from the first calf heifers though hybrid vigor.
Then, just because I thought it was a pretty view this evening looking down the driveway.


  1. First - Wow on the sunset down the driveway picture - beautiful.

    Other comments/questions:

    "something is always going wrong with the other 7 bulls right when you need them"
    So now you have 8 bulls?

    Sarcasm? "Looks like he knows how to eat. "

    I could not make out this sentence: "Hopefully, he should be calving ease but will be able to add some pounds to the calves from the first calf heifers though hybrid vigor."

  2. That sure is a beautiful view down your driveway! Fall is so pretty! Hope the new bull earns his keep, and hooray for calving ease! We have loved the results when we breed our first calf heifers to jersey bulls!
