
Sunday, December 9, 2018

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

The snow started last night and continued all day today. 
 It is very pretty,
 sticking to everything.
 J needed me to help get through some gates with the hay.  The horses were being their usual pesty selves.
 I distracted them with 1/2 a square bale. 
 This is an open heifer we are feeding for a beef.  When I said the snow was sticking to everything, I meant it. 

 I thought Hank looked like a Christmas card.
 The dogs are sure loving the snow.
 The goats, not so much.
 We ended up with 15 inches by dark. 
 15 inches of snow makes it a little difficult to open gates that already drag the ground.  There was a lot of pushing and shoveling to get through them all. 
J got everything fed.  Now just have to start over again tomorrow.  And walking up and down hills in snow up to your knees definitely counts as Farmercising.


  1. I'm exhausted just thinking about all that shoveling and walking in 15" of snow. But the farm snow scenes are beautiful to see. Also I love the red bows in contrast to all the snow.

  2. Wow you did get a lot of snow! Poor li'l goats, belly deep!
    Hahaha farmercize.... yeah who needs to work out when there are chores to do.

  3. Oh wow, you really did get a big storm! It's beautiful, but I know how much work snow on the farm can be. It's soooo much different that when I was a little girl and got to play in it most of the day! :)

  4. Great pictures, but I think you have mistakenly gotten the snow we've been needing so desperately!
