
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Horses Not Goats!

Looks like the goats have taken a couple of days off, no new kids since Sunday.  J and I took advantage of the break and the nice weather to go on a trail ride. 
 My riding has been sporadic this spring.  When I had the shoes reset on everyone, I had bragged about how well all of the shoes had stayed on over the winter.  Well, that was a mistake.  Two weeks later I went out to ride Otoelene and she was missing her left front.  So I rode Draper and called the farrier.  He came a few days later and replaced Otoelene's shoe.  So, the next week I go to ride Draper and she is missing her left front.  Another call to the farrier, another replaced shoe.  The next week I go to catch Otoelene, she was now missing her right front.  OK, I'll ride Draper.  NOT!  She was missing her right front.  The farrier was getting really tired of seeing my number, but he came out promptly (benefit of living close by) and put two more shoes back on.  So far so good but I wasn't getting my hopes up for a trail ride until I went out and saw all four shoes on Otoelene. 
 Meanwhile, Jessica was perfect.  She hadn't been ridden in months until I got her up yesterday for a little grooming and a brief workout.  At 17 years old she should pretty much know what to do by now.  Although she never has been back to 100% since her bout with Lyme Disease.  But she is well enough to take on a trail ride, just not at an endurance pace.
 J even stopped and posed for a picture. 
 And  just to prove I was really on a horse, I let him take mine too. 
But I wasn't so successful with the selfie, looks like I didn't take the size of my brim into account, sorry I missed J's head.  Beautiful day, wonderful ride.

Kid Count, 83


  1. Back when I still had horses, I got rid of the horse shoes. Why not go barefoot?

  2. What a hassle with the horse shoes. So close on the selfie with J,
