
Sunday, June 16, 2019

Trip Picture Sunday #3

Yellowstone was incredible.  There were some road and trail closures and the lake was frozen, but there was still a ton of things to see.  Here are a few of my favorites from our first day there. 

 The trail to the overlook was easy going down, and not as bad as I had feared coming back up.
 But the view was worth every step.
 E made an observation, "before everyone had a camera phone, how long would they stay at a view?"  People just seemed to be more interested in getting their selfies than enjoying the incredible landscape diversity.
Then it was on to the Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces.
 I thought this was fascinating.  It was like a cave but on top of the ground.
 You could find something new from every angle.
 I loved all of the little brimstone pools.

And I found a good rock face. 
Is it scared or scary?

1 comment:

  1. I have never heard of mammoth hot spring pools - very interesting.
    Cool face - seems a bit aggressive more than fearful.

    E's observation about selfies seems correct.
