
Monday, June 24, 2019

Trip Picture Sunday #4

Ok, it's really Monday, but who's counting.  Plus, it is really difficult to pare down my 2500 pictures. 
 We were lucky enough to secure a room at the Old Faithful Lodge.  I had read where it was booked a year in advance, so I really wasn't that hopeful.  But then I overheard someone talking about finding a room.  E and I ran to the nearest lodge and they checked for us.  Sure enough, there was a room! 
 That put us right at Old Faithful.  While we were waiting for the eruption the next morning, we strolled around some more fumaroles and geysers.
 The landscape in places is other worldly.
 Then we waited on Old Faithful.   Because is was early, the park rangers were not on duty to calculate the next eruption, so we just waited.  There were only about a dozen other people.
 And then, there is was.
 I think E liked the name of this one.
 Then we went to the Grand Prismatic Spring.  The trail that overlooked the spring was closed due to Grizzly Bears, so we weren't able to get the "Grand" view.
 But the colors up close were beautiful. 

I even managed a bit of a selfie.

 Then a couple of more waterfalls,
and we were headed out of the park on to the Grand Tetons.
 The fog and snow and overcast  day made it a little disappointing.  But still better than the day I went to Mount Rushmore when it was totally fogged in.
 We stopped for lunch in Jackson Hole.
 And did a little touristy shopping.
 There was a wildlife museum that had an outdoor sculpture exhibit.
 Bunny found one his size.
Then we spent the night in Idaho Falls.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing your trip photos. Looks like a wonderful trip.

    Bunny is such a ham.
