
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Finally, Draper's Second Trail Ride

I can't believe it has been over a year since I rode Draper on her first trail ride.  Always big plans but it is hard to follow through.
 J decided it would be a good day to head to the mountain.  He picked Hank, once again wanting his calmness to rub off on Draper. 
 She was a little excited at the beginning because we parked next to a trailer that had 3 other horses tied up.  She was very interested it trying to see them.  So at first, we stuck pretty close Hank. 
 But that didn't last long and Draper was waaaay out in front.
 She would still alert to rocks and logs, but she was very brave and went past pretty much everything on her own.
 We are in the midst of a drought.  You can see how stressed the rhododendron is.
I was really pleased with how calm Draper was for the entire ride.
 Now I just need to get her to a couple of horse shows to get her use to that sort of stuff. 
Another successful ride, thanks J.