
Sunday, October 13, 2019

Coupon Saturday #35

This may be my best one to date.  There was a clearance event this weekend, so and additional 50% off clearance items.  Plus, I found out that the buy one Coke product get a Cheez It free up to $2 digital coupon, actually worked on the family size $4.50 box, making it free.  In the couponing world, this is called a "glitch"
 Anyway, the $5 off 3 pantene coupon attached to the clearance trial size giving $3.64 in overage, and there was a Theraflu digital with overage on the clearance box.  And a little overage on the Febreeze clearance and the Gain Tropical scent gave overage too.
 SEVEN CENTS!  If you count the original price on things, that is $33 worth of stuff for 7 cents, including the tax.
 Then I got a little cocky and tried again on Saturday with the $5 off $25, but I got distracted talking to a friend I met there.  I ended up not following my written scenario and just winging it.  I got too many Gain products by accident and that ate up my overage.  I had added a bottle of vinegar (not in the picture) that I needed and that was supposed to take care of the overage, but there wasn't any because of the extra Gain.  So it ended up being $3.  Win some/lose some.
Then we were driving through Speedwell, and saw this!  It's open.  This is just the soft opening, the Grand Opening will be in a couple of weeks.  V went with me to try our couponing luck.  A $5 off $5.01 appeared on our accounts and we were anxious to see if it would work.  It didn't.  The facebook group is having mixed results with it.  It should be good all week, so I will study up on it some more and try another day. 

1 comment:

  1. 7 cents - what does the cashier or anyone in line that sees this craziness say to you. That is just nuts!!

