
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Coupon Saturday #36

I know it is not Saturday, but Saturday is the day of the $5 off $25 at Dollar General, so that is when I do most of my couponing. 
 Here is this week's haul.  $12.15 spent in 3 transactions with a total savings of $77.44.   I also found out that the Saturday night manager is a couponer too.  So no worries if something isn't working right.  She can either fix it or just let me put stuff back without a fuss. 
 Plus, I made it to the Grand opening of our local store and got a $10 gift card.  I am torn between using it myself or as a secret santa gift.  Only time will tell.
Then, because I was one of the first 200 customers to buy something, I got this tote, cup and samples.  Now, whenever there is a glitch or a "run now" senario, I'm just 2 minutes away.

1 comment:

  1. Yea!! Congrats on your new store winnings. It is so hard to believe you now have a DG so close. (OK,not really considering how many stores are popping up)
