
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What??? Another Farm???

I don't know what has gotten into us, but we looked at another farm.  The last one we were told they really wanted to sell and get out of farming but when it came to the price, I'm not sure they will be selling it any time soon.  They laughed at J and told him he was never buying any more land if that's what he thought it was worth, and they would just keep it and be buried on it as to let it go for any less.  So we are at an impasse. 
 So that lead us a little further down the road to this one.  About the same size, a much nicer view, lays much better, only about 20 acres of woods instead of 70 (that was going to be cutover as the timber had already been sold) and priced at less than we were willing to pay for the other one.
There aren't many extras, this old corn crib, 
and some interestingly patched fence.  There are some good fences too, and it is sectioned well into different pastures.
 There are some unusual formations like this old canyon.
 And who doesn't like a rock wall. 
 It is mostly watered by a well with waterboxes, but there is a little creek on part of it.
 And the best part, it joins the National Forest.  So no annoying neighbors on that side anyway.
It is very peaceful, no man made sounds, 360 degree views.  The biggest drawback is the distance from our house.  It's a 20 minute drive in the opposite direction from our other farm, so that would spread us out even more.  Decisions, decisions. 


  1. Beautiful views -- yet it did not seem like you were on the side of a mountain. Seemed like rolling hills. I'm interested to hear what happens.

  2. It's a pretty farm, love the rock wall and seems like everything is right except the location.
