
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

In Bloom At The 4Rs

With rain and temperatures in the 50's, it's a little hard to get excited about summer flowers blooming, but here they are anyway. 
 In my salvaged upside down salt feeder I set out some clearance flowers.  The mandevilla vine wasn't in bloom, but for $5 I was willing to take a chance on the color.  It turned out pink, perfect!
 The lupine I got from Mary at work is pink too.  Very excited about that. 
 The Stella d'oro daylilies are in full bloom,
 as well as all my different varieties of
 Blue Speedwell.
 The sundrops from grandma are pretty, but much brighter looking when not weighted down with rain. 
 The purple clematis makes a nice contrast with the sundrops in the background.
I thought the coral bells got damaged with the late freeze, but it looks like they have come out ok after all.  Now, back to work on those stairs. 


  1. I loved the "walk" through your beautiful garden!

  2. Flowers can brighten the dreariest of days.
    The sundrops are a new one to me. They look so cheerful!
