
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

You Never Know What You Will See

I try to remember to bring my camera with me when I ride because you just never know what you might see. 
 A sofa and console for instance. 
 Sort of a strange item to find along a gravel road.  There was a "free" sign on it though. 
 It took Otoelene a few minutes to digest this unexpected item, but she finally  made friends with it.  And by the time I headed back, someone was loading up the console.  The sofe is still there if anyone is interested. 
 There is always a good view when you know where to go look.
 And surprise, a dead groundhog.  He must have been pretty slow because with all the ruts from recent rains, no one can really drive all that fast. 
 Then there was this snake I think Otoelene stepped on.  No, she never even acted like she saw it even when I turned her around to take the picture. 
And the goats were trying to get into trouble.  Looks like we have done too good a job beating back the rose bushes on our side of the fence. 

1 comment:

  1. The goat finish was funny.

    The sofa picture with Otoelene - seemed incongruous - not your normal view between Otoelene's ears

    Yikes on the snake - I'm hoping it was a harmless black snake?
