
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Goats At Work

With the wet weather we have been having, we have been keeping a close eye on the goats for signs of worms.  The blood sucking Barber Pole worms are the major problem.  They can cause an anemia severe enough to kill.  We dewormed all of the kids back in July and decided it was time to get them all up again.  This time I checked conjuntival color, and just dewormed the pale ones.  After we were done, we turned them into the arena field for a little weed clean up there. 
They took their job seriously. 
But they also enjoyed their time with the tender grass I have been mowing in the arena. 
After a few day we turned them back out to the rest of the farm.  It's starting to look like we have a lot of goats. 

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