
Monday, December 7, 2020

One Shot

J was looking out of the kitchen window this morning and exclaimed, "there's a coyote!"
(no coyote in the picture, taken after the fact, bullet casing added for effect)  And sure enough, there was one making its way across the field.   J grabbed his rifle and headed off after it.  
Did I mention he got it with one shot. 
He said he came to this brace post and it was trying to find a way through the fence down the hill. 
Then it headed up that way when he shot.  
The goats are up on the hill this morning, no little ones to worry about and the dogs were all there.  But one less coyote anyway. 

1 comment:

  1. One shot J - nice work.

    The way you have the pictures with J pointing - it is almost like J is telling us the tale.
