
Sunday, May 23, 2021

A Very Eventful Day

Walker's mom was nice enough to share him with us again Saturday.
This time we were working cattle.  Walker is wonderful help, very calm and easy with the livestock.  J and Walker sorted the cows out so we could work the calves first.
J told him before we started that whatever he said was to just help get the job done and to not take it personally.  If you have ever worked cattle you know what he is talking about.  Walker just said, "tell me what you want me to do." 
He did a great job with the head gate.  I drew up the vaccines for J to give and I did the ear tagging.  
After the calves were done, we just ran the cows into the chute 4 at a time.  Walker would catch the first one and J would crowd the rest in behind and I would walk down the line giving the vaccine.  We were done in no time.  
Then Walker helped J take up the temporary fence he had put up to make it easier to get the cows to the pens.  While they were at it they went on a little asparagus hunt.  Turns out Walker loves asparagus and they were able to find a nice bunch.  

 I didn't take any pictures, but Walker wanted to go into an old house on the property that is falling down.  He found lots of treasures to take home, and old radio, flash light, wrench, socket, nails.  I found a bucket so he could carry it all. 
Then it was on to the horses.  I took him on my advanced trail course this time.  It is very steep, 
lots of ups and downs.  But Hank and Walker negotiated it all, no problem.  
Then we rode around some more of the farm and came past the bottom.  Walker looked over and said, "that looks like a dog down there."  I said if it looks like a dog it's probably a coyote, and sure enough it was.  
And this is what he was after.  We had two nannies that hadn't kidded before we turned them out.  This one was off by herself  and when we got closer we could see she was fending off another coyote.  The goats were spread out all over the farm and there were no guard dogs close by.  She only had one kid with her and I didn't see the other one until later.  We ran off the coyote and I got off my horse and made sure the little one was ok.  As we were riding back to the house Walker spotted the other one about 100 yards away.  He held Otoelene for me while I rolled under the fence and dashed down to get it back with mom.  It was still wet.  Looked like she had just had it before the coyote arrived.  
Walker and I made a fast trip back to the house to get J.  First, him and Walker went back with the 4 Wheeler and gun.  They saw the coyote again but didn't get a shot at it.  Then they came back and we all went in the truck.  It may look like J caught the goat this way but no,
This is what really happened.   So he did catch her but she slipped out right at the end. 

Next, he tried stair stepping the twins, carry one a little way, set it down, have the nanny come to it, go back, get the other one, carry it a little's a very long and tedious process and we were very far from the barn.   So J changed tactics again.  He got on the ground holding out a baby goat, army crawling closer and then....quick like a snake snatched her back leg.   
J held her in the back of the truck and Walker watched the babies.  They spent a safe, coyote free night in the barn.  
 I think Walker will have plenty to talk about for the next few days. 


  1. Walker has the makings of a good cowboy kid. Well, young man I guess.
    It's nice to able to mentor someone with that much savvy.
    So that's how you catch a goat! Glad you all got them back to safety before they became coyote dinner.

  2. This seems like an wholesome episode of a western/pioneer television show from decades ago. I like J's talk. I imagine dealing with animals can get stressful when things go tilt and calm talk goes out the window. Walker seems like a great kid or should I say young man.
