
Sunday, May 16, 2021

Great Day With Walker

Ever since we worked the goats last year, Walker has been looking forward to coming and doing it again.
He was very excited when we asked him to come help us on Saturday.  First up, rounding up the goats.
It wasn't too difficult getting them headed to the barn.  
Getting them into the barn lot was a little harder. 
My barricades worked pretty well.

But I had neglected putting anything in front of the gate, and the baby goats poured out like water.  It took several efforts to finally get everything into the barn. 

Walker said this is where the fun starts.  He loves catching the kids.  
J worked the door and the bander while Walker and I caught the little ones and brought them to him.  Then we dewormed the nannies and turned everyone back out but this time onto a different field.  
Next up was horse back riding.  Hank managed to get into the yard while we were working the goats.  Walker got reacquainted with him and we were ready to go.
We had a very nice 1 1/2 hour ride around the farm.  I think Walker is ready to come back any time.