
Sunday, August 8, 2021

Finally, A Trail Ride

I don't even remember the last time we went on a trail ride, maybe last year at this time.  J decided to give Jessica a try at Horse Heaven.  I was just going to take Otoelene, but J reminded me that I keep saying I need to do more with Draper, so off we went. 
Jessica was not her usual spunky self.  
She made the 8 mile ride fine but not with her normal speed and energy.  
Draper had a pretty good day. 
I was trying to work on getting her to be brave and go in front.  There were a couple of times she just didn't want to be there.  After some yelling, kicking and spanking, encouragement,  she decided the front was a fine place to be.  
Looks like we left J and Jessica in the dust.  The weather was nice, not to hot with a little breeze, but the horse flies were awful.  

1 comment:

  1. Ick I hate horse flies. But looks like a nice ride otherwise. I like the wordsmith-ing
