
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Lost And Found

Otoelene had lost one of her special shoes last month.  I didn't even know it was gone until I found it while birding.  She had it on the day before.  I didn't worry too much about it because it was off of the hoof that was growing out a defect from a cut on her coronary band.  There was really no place to put the nails so I thought I would just wait a little while in hopes of it growing out more. 
Plus, she was sound and I wasn't riding anyway because of the snow and cold.  
The farrier came yesterday and reset the one and replaced the thrown one.  So today I went riding.  The snow is gone but it was a bit breezy, wind gusts of up to 25 mph.  But Otoelene never seems to get too bothered by the wind like some horses do. 
I had a wonderful ride but I'm not too sure Otoelene enjoyed it as much. 
The ground is frozen underneath and slick and muddy on top, not very pleasant to have to walk on.  It was nice to get out and do a little something other that what has to be done. 


  1. This is a tough time of year for riding, unless you have access to an indoor.
    Bonus finding that shoe!

  2. My comment is about he spooky tree shadows in picture #3

    The shadows in this picture are very cool.
