
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Draper and Zipper

Draper has been turned out since late fall when I had her shoes pulled.  I have been choosing to ride Otoelene because I have just wanted to ride and not have to train.  Draper is still taking a lot of training.
There are no problems with ground work.  She is just a lot of horse for an old person to deal with in the saddle.  Because I haven't done anything with her in several months, yesterday was just a ground work day.
And a meeting Zipper while working day.  She has seen Zipper out in the field lots.  Only Draper wants to chase Zipper.  Forgive the video, it is hard to film and lunge at the same time. 

In the barn, Zipper wanted to chase and bite at Draper's tail.  After lots of yelling and threats with the lunge whip, I finally got Zipper to leave Draper alone. Then we tried outside. 

Draper really got wound up out here.  But it was a miss when she kicked at Zipper.  This is going to take some work.  


  1. Back to school! The older I get the more I value groundwork. It helps one to build a connection and a good foundation.
    Zipper can be quite a distraction!

  2. Double training, Zipper and Draper. That's a lot.
