
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Heifers, Never A Dull Moment

Another heifer calved the other evening.  We watched during dinner the calf's progress on getting up and trying to nurse. 
The only problem was the heifer wasn't letting it nurse.  She just wanted it to stay in front of her. 
It was pretty cold and windy and we were afraid that the calf might get chilled since it was starting to get dark.  
We opted for a powdered colostrum supplement instead of trying to get the pair up and to the barn.  He was pretty stout but refused to suck on the bottle.  So we ended up tube feeding him.  A good outcome,  the next day he was up and she was letting him nurse.  It's always something calving out heifers.  


  1. Glad that all worked out. I had a maiden mare that didn't know what to do with her foal- that was a little hairy until she got it figured out.
