
Monday, March 7, 2022

WARNING!!! Graph Images Ahead Proceed At Your Own Risk

This is the after picture of a cow that had a vaginal and rectal prolapse.  One of the worst I have had to deal with.  You still have time to quit scrolling. 
I was feeding Baby S lunch (she had spent the night with us and was a little angel in church) when J came to the back door and said, "we have a problem."  I took Baby S back to her house and stopped by the clinic for a few supplies.  Then I headed to the barn where J was getting the cow up.  This is your last chance to turn back.  
This is what I was presented with.  The top swelling is the rectal prolapse and the bottom the vaginal.  The bladder was prolapsed into the vaginal one adding to the swelling.  I was able to lift it up to empty the bladder so there wasn't as much to push back in.  Oh, and she had a good epidural so there was no straining back against me.  Once that was in, I went to work on the rectal prolapse.  This one proved more challenging but I finally got it in too. 
A couple of purse string sutures later, everything looked better.  But after an hour of massaging and pushing, my arms were like jelly.  I had to come back to the house for a little rest.  It made me think of the Toby Keith song, "I ain't as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever was."  Glad I didn't have to go out on another call. 


  1. Wow - you earned your pay :) Grateful J. Grateful cow.

  2. Those are massive! Good work getting them back in. Does that mean she is going to be a cull cow now? As in, once they have prolapsed they are likely to do it again?

  3. you earned your groceries on that one! Good grief! too bad about the prolapse, I presume like Shirley said this one will be a cull?
