
Monday, April 4, 2022

In Bloom At The 4R's

I am finally getting around to some flower pictures. 
I have a few later blooming daffodils.  They were smart and missed the 13 degree cold snap that did in the early ones. 
I planted tulips years ago and a few still come up.  Maybe I should plant some more this fall.  But sometimes it is difficult to know where to dig a new hole and not hit something else. 
I have bookoos of grape hyacinths.  They come up everywhere. 
I even planted them in the yard.  I like how they bloom in the grass before we have to start mowing.  Nice little purple surprises.  


  1. Flowerrrrrrsssss.... I can't wait! I shall have to go look for the little johnny jump ups that pop up here and there as the first flowers of spring here.

  2. I like this phrase "nice little purple surprises"

  3. beautiful! Snow hasn't quite melted yet here
