
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

A Job To Do

Joe had a group of cows and calves to move to another field yesterday.  It was going to be a little harder than just standing at the gate and calling, so he asked if Otoelene and I could help.  Sure!
But first, I had to wait until she got up.  I got her up faster this time by taking Draper out of sight.  Otoelene jumped right up then.  And there were no lasting effects of the rock in the shoe from the day before.  
The cows were all hanging out in a very swampy location.  But Otoelene slugged right through and got them all out. 
More rocky, steep places, 
then some open woods. 
We finally got them to the fence line and headed to the gate.  Four of them darted past before Joe could cut them off so it was another trip around.  We got the rest on the second trip.  Otoelene worked up a sweat but I was still fresh and ready to go.  Much easier on horseback than on foot.  It was nice having a little job we could do. 


  1. It's always good to ride with a purpose. That was a pretty big rock in her shoe!

  2. Well done Otoelene.

    (interesting that she got up faster with Draper out of sight)
