
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Busy As A Mouse

Several weeks ago we noticed Kit Kat's food was disappearing from his bowl in the garage at night after he was let outside.  We started putting the food up when we let him out and putting out some rat poison.  Then in the morning when we let him back in, up when the poison and out when his food.  One day Joe was checking the oil in the car and cat food came pouring out from between the hood and the insulation.  We then started parking the car outside for awhile and I went on a mouse hunt.  I never could find anywhere that they were nesting.  Eventually, the cat food stopped disappearing and I thought the problem was solved.  That is until today....

I had an old rug wrapped around the metal support post in the garage as a way to store the rug and to prevent dinging the car door when I open it.  This is also the location we stack the dog food.  We were out of dog food and I had just bought 4 more bags.   I was sweeping the floor before unloading the bags when I noticed the rug sagging and went to readjust it.  Cat food started pouring out.  It ended up being about a gallon of cat food.  That was one busy mouse.  Looks like I need to try a trap next, none of the poison was ever touched. 


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