
Monday, January 2, 2023

Getting The Load Ready

What a nice day to work cattle.  Mike had another job to do, so we managed to get Grant, the son of another vet at the clinic, to help us.  He has a driver's license now so that made it even better. 
I think he has grown at least 6 inches from the last time he helped us.  The weather has still been very nice and even some of the mud is drying up.  
Joe already had all 140 head of calves up.  We sorted out the smaller end and some replacement heifers.  The rest we worked to get ready for their trip to the feed lot in a couple of weeks. 
Grant worked the head gate, I gave 3 shots and Joe kept the calves coming up the chute.   It was a very smooth day.  It is nice when everything works like it should. 
Now if the weather will just hold until we get them shipped out.