
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Grapevine Construction

Every year I watch YouTube videos on grapevine pruning and every year I always say I didn’t prune hard enough.
This is what I was faced with.
And this is what I ended up with.  I think I finally pruned it back enough.  Maybe we will get some big grapes this year.  Then there were the trimmings to deal with.

I noticed my grapevine wreath was getting a little ragged looking and decided to spruce it up some.
It just so happened that Joe had an old rusted round bale feeder.  He had told Mike to cut it up for scrap.  But I had another plan.  I did have Mike cut off the rusted out bottom section.  I then bolted it back together.
And rolled it into place.
Somehow, I had managed to make my original grapevine wreath the same size as the feeder.  I then took the new trimmings and wrapped those around to hold it in place.  No I need to make another trip into the woods to get some more vines.  I am enjoying the new look.


  1. Great looking yard art. Looks sort of like a mysterious path, especially with those glass balls nearby. Someone I used to work with called these types of yard pieces "come hither art" because they draw you to them.
