
Monday, March 20, 2023

Morning Sighting

Joe hollered, “come quick, without delay!” to me this morning.  He was seeing one of the dogs out across the creek.  But she wasn’t alone.  There were also two coyotes.The coyotes would run a little ways for Molly to chase them, then one would circle back behind her and she would run back at it.  She acted like she was wanting to come back but then they would chase her.  She started coming through the fence then laying down.  I thought she looked like she was getting tired, so Joe got his gun and we drove over there.  Unfortunately, it takes about ten minutes to actually get there from here and by that time the coyotes were gone and Molly was back with the other dogs.
I did manage a few pictures from the kitchen before we headed out. 
According to google maps, it is a half a mile away.
So I thought I did pretty good with the zoom lens. 
This is from where I was in the kitchen looking out through the window.  Can you even tell where to look?

Zooming in some, we were looking at that bluff in the shade.
Then you can see the fence Molly was at in the first pictures.  It pays to have a good set of binoculars sitting by the door.  And it really pays to have good guard dogs.


  1. Wow that is some good zoomin'!
    Coyotes are bad at this time of year. One of our neighbours had one come at him in their barnyard, until he touched off a round of buckshot at him.

  2. Amazing zooms. Amazing that Joe saw the action in the first place. 1/2 mile as the crow flies but 10 mins to drive there - rough.
