
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Easy Goat Day

Joe and I had a good day working the goats yesterday.  We got an early start and the weather was cool.
Power Puff Girl met us.  Wet grass and dry dirt are not a good combo for a Great Pyrenees puppy.  She looks like this a lot of mornings but is back to white again by the evening.  She seems to have taken up with the other dogs without issue.
All of the goats were able to fit in the barn.

We then took small groups, cut out the Nannie’s because they al looked good, and crowded the kids into the chute.
Joe could easily grab them one at a time and I would give them a copper bolus and then a dewormer.  We kept count of the kids and surprise, surprise, it matched what I thought we should have, 116!
We also gave a copper bolus to the yearling nannies.  We turned them all back out except for one.

Apparently, we missed banding one a couple of months ago.  He is getting big enough to maybe cause some trouble.   So he is now in the dog pen in the barn being weaned.  After that, we will see if he will stay with the other two billies we kept from last year until we sell the kids in the fall.
Then we had some company in the afternoon.
Sadie helped in the garden,
and enjoyed looking at the flowers.
Then the sun set one another Saturday.


  1. Team work! Glad it went well.
    I think Power Puff Girl needs a spot on your sidebar :0)
    Do you gather your echinacea flowers for tea?

  2. I agree with Shirley's idea to add Power Puff Girl (and Molly too) to the side bar.

    Thanks for the update on how PPG is doing with the other dogs.

    Cool shot of Sadie with the flowers.
