
Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sadie Sunday And Unexpected Visitors

When we got home from church this morning we has some unexpected visitors.
This was a first, turkeys in the yard.
There were 3-4 adults and several little ones.

I am blaming them for my missing tommy toe that I was keeping an eye on.  It should have been my first tomato, but when I went out with Sadie to pick it for lunch it was gone.  Wildlife can be both a joy and a curse. 
Sadie came home with us after church.  She is always a joy.  I thought I would give Virginia and Mike half a break and keep Sadie for the afternoon.  They said Allie was so much easier to take care of without Sadie.  We had a full day.  We watched Frozen, made zucchini bread in the Easy Bake Oven, and of course, rode Otoelene.
Sadie likes to try to do as much as she can by herself.

Saturday, I had bought a Little Tikes swing at the 21 yard sale.  It’s an annual 100 mile long yard sale on our road.   I scored this for $4.  Sadie tested it out and loved it.
She also wanted to go seen the baby goats, which aren’t so baby anymore.  She claimed the white one from the beginning and always wants to feed her.  I have named her Glitter and the other one Gold.
Sadie was so excited when Glitter ate the leaf she had picked for her.  I thought it was pretty impressive seeing the the goat was already grazing free choice.  
Another fun filled Sadie Sunday.


  1. Look at all those little turkeys. One turkey visit for the loss of the first tommy toe seems like an acceptable trade. If the raid of your garden goes on repeatedly that would be a different story.

    A happy Sadie Sunday for sure :)

  2. I have had deer eat tomatoes but not turkeys. Is there a season on them? As in Thanksgiving dinner?
    Great goat names. Love the last photo.
