
Saturday, August 5, 2023

In Bloom At The 4Rs

With so much rain so far this summer, the flowers have been going crazy.
I know these sedums are not flowering but I just love how vibrant the pot full is.  I bought a mixed pot at the beginning on the season from Lowe’s.  Some of these came from that one as pieces broke off.  And some may have come from the ground at Lowe’s under more displays of sedums.  They root so easily, I’m obsessed with them.
My pot at the garage door is overflowing.
Before they started blooming, I told Joe that I would probably dig up the black eyed Susan’s this year.  It seems like every year, the petals just get eaten by Japanese beetles.
But this year they didn’t.  They are finally having a spectacular year.
My repurposed salt feeder planter is full of impatiens and petunias.   
The star gazer lilies in addition to being a lovely pink,
have a lovely scent.
I have left a few wildflowers.  I have always been a fan of queen Ann’s lace.
And this dahlia from Walmart is actually the color it was supposed to be, unlike those red ones I posted about before.
I have decided that impatiens will be just the thing for the rock garden.   I will be sure to plant more next year.
There is also a volunteer sunflower. I’m sure it came from all the sunflower seeds I fed the birds last winter.
And not a flower but something interesting.  My zucchini plants always wilt and die about now.  I read up on some possible problems, and squash vine borers seemed to fit what was happening.  One recommendation was to make a vertical cut in the stem to find the borers dig them out the put seven dust on it to kill any left.  I was surprised when I actually found them.  Maybe I will get a few more weeks of zucchinis now.


  1. What a beautiful update. Spectacular is a good word for your flowers (even the lovely Queen Ann's lace and your volunteer sunflower :)

    Interesting about the zucchinis. I hope you will get some more off those plants.

  2. Oh so pretty! Love the lily, I miss having them. Might have to see if they will grow here next year.
