
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Tuesday’s Outing With Hugo

I decided to make more of an effort to go riding Tuesday morning before it got too hot.  It seems that if I don’t make an effort it doesn’t really get done.   Hugo has gotten less difficult to catch but he he still has a ways to go before I would call him easy.  I think he has moved from difficult to tricky.
After warming up riding in the barn, we headed for the gravel road.  I was a little worried when I saw this sign.  First, that he might be scared of the sign (he was not). And second, being surprised by a mower coming around a bend.  I newer saw a mower but the sign did help to slow down the couple of cars I met. 
We made it to the next gate back onto the farm without incident.

Riding through the gouge I saw yet another tree across the fence.  This one fell over from the neighbor’s side.  At least it didn’t mash the fence down. 
As we were riding through the cows the flies started getting bad.  That is a hatful deerfly on his right ear.  If I can reach it before he shakes his head I can usually kill them.  And so far Hugo has not objected to me swatting him to get them off.  He was a little more forward heading toward the barn than I liked.  So once we got back I worked him a little harder so he won’t get the idea that getting to the barn means he is done.  He also has started to act like he is enjoying being hosed off afterwards and not flinching at the water hitting him.  Progress is being made.


  1. Sorry to see another tree over the fence (I'm sure that is getting old).

    Nice to hear that Hugo is improving.
