
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Two Difficult Holes

I finally decided where to plant the azalea that I got in the spring.
The only problem is that it is under two trees.
You can imagine the roots that I am having to contend with.  I decided to save it for another day.
On a much sadder note we buried Jewel today.  She had been suffering with bone cancer for the last few months.  I had her on pain medication but is was no longer being effective enough.  So today I decided to not drag it out any longer and euthanize her.
She was only 6.  We lost her sister Jett 3 years ago.
We named her sister Jett because she was always running around.  We named Jewel because she was like a gem, pretty and in the center of things.
When the other dogs were working the perimeters, Jewel would usually be the one to stay closer to the goats.
She was very humble, a little shy but always friendly and gentle.
She took her job very seriously.

I think Jewel was  Power Puff Girl’s favorite.  I hope she was able to learn from her.  She will leave a big hole to fill. 


  1. Awww that is so sad. What beautiful photos of a lovely sweet dog.
    in 2021 I lost my border collie Tess to bone cancer too. She was 14.
