
Friday, October 20, 2023

First iPhone Post

I purchased an iPhone 14 pro in preparation for our trip next week.  I wanted to be able to take better pictures than my point and shoot camera does and my current phone has very limited abilities.  Mostly it is just for emergencies and for directions.  It only has 15 gigabytes and 14 of that is filled up with “other” which I can’t get rid of.  So picture taking with that one is out of the question.  Since I am off work today I thought I would do some practicing with this new phone. 
Standing on the back porch…

Letting Emily see one of her plants is doing well in my care. 
Close up mode. (Also Emily’s plant)
Wildlife from the tv room.
I ran outside in between rain showers.  Flower close ups look great. 
And landscapes do well. 
I just love my pot of sedums.
But if I zoom in too much it starts to look like a watercolor.  I think I will have to practice some more before we leave.
I managed this entire post from the new phone!


  1. Look at you all techy! Most phones have a photo editing program in them. With mine I usually edit for better contrast and play with the brightness/shadows.
    It should also have shooting options- not familiar with iphone as mine is android.

  2. Well done. Great photos! You have some beautiful scenery to work with.
