
Monday, November 6, 2023

Day Three Part Two

 The hike to the waterfall was all uphill.  We didn’t see many birds but there were nice views and cool looking plants. 

Then the waterfall. 

It was worth the hike. I decided to take my boots off and soak my feet in the water.  I thought that I had gotten something in one.  I took off my boot and found this. 

Yes, it is spider remains. Apparently, you are supposed to check your boot before you put them on here. Lesson learned. 

Back down the trail and more cool plants. 

Back at the cabin Kerian and Emily prepared a nice lunch of eggs scrambled with onions, peppers, and potatoes.  After a little relaxing and chatting Joe and I headed back out for a short walk. 

I think Joe just wanted to use the machete.  
We were then treated to a dinner of creamy potato soup.  Very tasty. Since it was now dark guess what we did. 

That’s right, a night hike. 

We saw all sorts of creepy crawly things and several glass frogs. They were my favorite. Isn’t he cute?
Time for bed and you can bet we checked the sheets and under the pillows good. 


  1. I'm following along! This makes me...almost...want to go on an excursion. Good memories!

  2. Love the glass frog (so cute). Hate the spider remnants on the sock but better dead than alive. Yikes on that swinging bridge to the waterfall. Cool photos. Interesting plants - I like the spiral and leaf that looks like it is in a leaf.

    I would like to see more of Joe in action with the machete.

  3. I would have had the heeby jeebies seeing that spider bits! One of the creatures that I have a strong aversion to. (The other is snakes)
    Having all the plants on the swinging bridge makes it less intimidating.
    So much lush beauty there!
