
Saturday, February 24, 2024

Going and Coming

Emily and Keiran have been job hunting since their return from Ecuador.  Keiran found one in North Carolina that he was willing to try out.  Emily has some prospects nearby.  Today they left to go live in Brevard.  Keiran’s job starts Monday. 
I will miss them terribly but at least they will be a lot closer than Ecuador. I think they are excited to be starting a new chapter.  But the day wasn’t all sad.  Virginia brought Sadie and Allie over for a visit. 
Sadie wanted me to braid her hair and play dress up.  We added earrings this time to the collection. 
Then we went outside to run around.  When Allie would fall she would say, “ok, ok.”  Telling me she was ok.  
Sadie wanted to know if I could do this. 
But don’t let the sunshine fool you.
After this we went to go pet the horses and goats.  Clouds blew in and it started raining and snowing with 20 mile an hour winds.  We were soaked and frozen by the time we made it back to the house.  After getting on some dry clothes we had to warm up under an electric blanket.


  1. All the best to Keiran and Emily :)

    Wonderful photos of the grandchildren :) It does sound like the weather definitely took a turn.

  2. Yup that's alot closer than Ecuador!
    The girls are little beauties. What fun for you to have them to play with ;0)
